My relationship with astrology began during my spiritual awakening in 2012. After dropping religious dogma and giving myself permission to explore many religions, cultures, and tools, I found myself immersed in the occult world. Naturally, my relationship with tarot and oracle communications started soon after.
Through astrology I found a lot of confirmation of what I knew to be true about the common patterns found in life, the elements of nature, and sacred geometry. I was confirmed about my own human nature, my mind, and emotions, in ways that people who claimed to be able to see me would often overlook or deny.
I’ve always loved symbolism because as a highly sensitive person, I can feel the vibration and frequency of images, colors, and sounds. Symbolism provides a language that words can’t always communicate. Through astrology and oracle, I found a way to satisfy my psychologist mind, that I now know comes from having a Scorpio Moon in my natal chart. ;)

How I Use Astrology & Tarot

I currently use astrology and oracle to look at the symbolism in my life. I do not use astrology or tarot/oracle for fortune telling. I don’t like predictions and forecasts, but I do like using astrology and tarot to look back in time.

As a reader, I do my best to mind my business and practice energetic hygiene, so I don’t look up celebrity charts and pull cards for people who are not physically or energetically present for the reading. My insight is not mandatory guidance, in fact, my readings are for entertainment purposes only. You too should be taking this approach when pulling a reading or selecting a reader. While readings can be life changing, and accurate and extremely insightful, they should not be done from a place of chaos but more from curiosity. If you’re feeling scattered when pulling your own cards or requesting a reading from someone, hit the brakes and come back later.

My readings offer a platform where you can connect with what wants to be expressed in your spirit, connect with your spirit guides and angels, the spiritual insight to give language to what may be happening in the subconscious, or just communicating a story that your heart is wanting to tell.