Tievine Morning Glory says “WAKE YO A** UP!”

Last weekend was a full Aries Moon and you know Aries is explosive Cardinal fire energy. My full moon weekend was real chill, I even got a little “mom/gf break” because my boyfriend and our son took a roadtrip to Mississippi to see family. I was able to get my hair done and everything. Literally no complaints…UNTIL

I wake on on Sunday morning to what sounded like a plane was finna crash over my head into my apartment complex pool. When the “plane” eventually never landed, I rolled out of bed to look out the window. It was like 8am. Before I could fully stand up, I hear several explosive shots go off. By now I am pissed because as a high sensitive person (HSP), my sleep is broken, my nerves are racked, and I am fully terrified by what I’m hearing. When I finally look out the window, I see one of the hospital building coming down like the Twin Towers on 9/11. “There’s no way…” I say to myself and proceed to get dressed and leaving, taking nothing but my phone and my fanny pack.

After I got out the car and called my boyfriend, I pulled up to several other cars watching the event like a natural phenomenon. Did they know that these buildings were gonna get demolished? I heard cheers after it was over! Did ya’ll not think it was an attack on Medical District, Dallas? How dreadful to wake up this way! I only could describe this as a result of the Aries Full Moon and it’s explosive messaging.
Where I pulled up my car was a fence that was covered in vines with these beautiful flowers attached to them. I had seen the flowers along the sides of the highway on my morning drive to work, but this was my first time seeing them up close in person! The majestic purple color had already drawn me in, but the 5 pointed star in the eye of the flower is what really got me.
A few days later I did a photo search on Google to find that the flowers were a special variation of Morning Glory flower called “tievine”. I was floored. I had read about Morning Glory in my FES Flower Essences catalogue. If you’re a flower essence practitioner like me, then you know that even just looking at a photo and reading the description of the flower and it’s properties is a healing in itself. Morning Glory was one of those flowers I remembered. I went back to my research to learn about it’s properties.

“Each bright blue funnel-shaped blossom of the Morning Glory opens in response to the first rays of dawning light, displaying an interior five-pointed star-vortex that “pulls in” the pranic light of the rising sun. The flower essence of Morning Glory stimulates this light receptive capacity in the body-soul matrix. It is needed for many with chaotic rhythms, especially those involving over-emphasis on night life, late night eating or drinking, and related activities that rob the body and soul of the refreshing, health-giving forces of the morning. Morning Glory is also beneficial for those who need to bring more awake and alert consciousness to their daily activities.” from this article, “Re-setting the Body Clock to the Refreshing, Health-Giving Forces of the Morning”

When I tell you that this flower comes to me at a time in my life where I am experiencing this exact thing said above. Holy Spirit was been guiding me to wake up early and before everyone in my household to have that personal time with myself and The Most High. Regardless of just having to wake up in early in general in order to get my son ready for school in the morning, I’ve haven’t been feeling as 100% as a should be feeling through out the day. I believe that’s because I ain’t been living right lol. I’ve been drinking more and smoking a whole lot more than normal. I haven’t been doing my daily yoga sadhana like I know I should be. Instead I’ve been waiting to “do yoga” on the days I have to teach, which is not good. My schedule and routines and self-discipline have really been all over the place. I can’t believe this flower has showed up and noticed me at a time where Spirit is really calling me out. Just a reminder that my angels, my Higher Self, and my Spirit Team really don’t play about me.

I’m going to spend more time with this flower because I know she has a lot to share about self discipline and getting the most out of my mornings. With the FES Flower Essence being from the blue Morning Glory, I’m very interested in what the purple vibration has to say. The side glance of this flower is also giving “trumpet vine” which is speaking a lot to me too.

I am so blessed that I get to commune with the Spirit of God through nature this way. The more I choose to hear its messages, the more frequent and clearer they show up.


8 Limbs of Motherhood: Pratyahara


Turk’s Cap: My Summer Flower