A four week journey to prepare you for pregnancy, postpartum, and motherhood.
This journey encompasses both the practical and spiritual assistance you need as a mother.

Study nutrition, ayurveda, yoga asana, sadhana, and spiritual rituals to help you stay connected to yourself, and deepen with your children and your experience as a mother.

This course goes beyond traditional notions of motherhood to encompass the full spectrum of the divine feminine archetype. You'll uncover hidden depths within yourself, reconnecting with your innate wisdom, intuition, and creative power as you journey through the sacred cycles of life.

Healing the Mother Wound

We’ve all been ripped from the arms of the Great Mother. There was a time when the Mother was the center of worship within religion and spirituality because we all collectively knew that Mother is source of life here on Earth.
When the Great Mother was removed from our spiritual world, we became malnourished, deprived of love, support, and disconnected.
Nowadays, any consideration of the Divine Feminine as an aspect of Divinity is considered “pagan” or “witchy”. I really want people to consider what is coming up for them in their refusal to acknowledge the Great Mother, especially as women. Why does consideration of the Goddess have to be looked down upon?
In a society that prioritizes masculine achievement, motherhood can often feel daunting, exhausting, and draining. Motherhood is a time that calls us to deepen in our connection to the divine feminine.

With my assistance as your postpartum doula, I will train, guide, and nurture you though this journey. Some areas of focus will be:

  • Ayurveda & Nutrition - how to nourish yourself for pregnancy, postpartum, and even established motherhood.

  • Establish Routine and Daily Sadhana - how to turn your daily routine into a spiritual practice and worship of the Divine

  • Pre/Post Natal Yoga - Yoga to strengthen and support your pregnancy, yoga to nurture you in the tender times of postpartum, and yoga to do as a busy and established mother

Return back to the arms of the divine holy mother

What do you do when the mother needs mothering?

We live in a society that is so deprived of the healing presence of the Divine Mother.

Who is the Divine Mother?
The Divine Mother is the supreme force of feminine and motherly embodiment. She is there for you when you feel lost, alone, frustrated, unworthy and afraid. The Divine Mother has many forms, sometimes showing up as The Virgin Mary, Quan Yin, or Auset. She also has fierce and wrathful forms like Kali Ma or Sekhmet.
Building a relationship with the Goddess as the Divine Mother can help you heal your brokenness when you feel defeated or drained as a mother in a society that puts little value into the work we do. When you feel like there is no safe place to land, The Great Mother will embrace you in her arms just as you embrace your own child.

You don’t have to be an established mother in order to take this journey. This journey is for women who want to deepen in their connection to the Goddess and the Divine Feminine, as the Mother archetype is only one of her many faces.

In this journey you’ll be taken through the phases of the Divine Feminine, through Maidenhood, Motherhood, and Cronehood. Each phase offers unique insights and opportunities for growth, allowing you to embrace and embody the diverse facets of your being.