embody your personal power

This course consists of 4 modules and teaches you how to use power yoga to strengthen the energy center of your personal power and become embodied and centered within your inner authority.

Personal Power is not about controlling other people, true power is self control.

Words like "power” and “authority” may seem scary when we think of these words as something outside of us. My power yoga is more than just an intense physical practice.

The “power” that we generate in this practice is real power that can be used off of the mat.

In the Hindu 7 chakra system, the Solar Plexus - Manipura, is the 3rd chakra energy center that is the seat of our inner-authority, willpower, gut intuition. Right regulation of the Solar Plexus - Manipura allows us to know proper regulation for our autonomy by way of the core of our body.

The Solar Plexus - Manipura energy center also processes our gut-brain and the subtle energies related to digestion. The element of the Manipura chakra is Fire.

Autonomy of the physical body allows for autonomy of our spiritual and subtle bodies.

The autonomy that you learn on your mat will help you to individuate your energy from the energy of others, so you can be authentic in your own energy signature.

A lot of us are waking up to realize that life is an energy game. If your energy doesn’t match with your words and your actions, you will fall short in your personal authority.

  • Founder

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • Design Director

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • Sustainability Director

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • Item description

My signature Empower Flow course for people seeking immerse themselves in a sadhana spiritual practice that helps to anchor in inner power and authority.

Power Yoga is more than just an intense workout, it’s about tapping into your inner fire (tapas) to mold your energy field.


This online course is especially designed for highly sensitive people and empaths who are looking to fortify their aura, attune their personal boundaries into their energetic field, and assert themselves as their own authority.

Often as people with the gift of sensitivity, we may easily become overwhelmed and overstimulated by daily life, especially in a society that forces us to be constantly productive. Society also conditions us to be "nice people", and to go against our inner knowing. This often leads to people pleasing, power games, and ultimately, burn out. And if you're a highly sensitive person like me, you know that empath burnout, aka compassion fatigue, can take weeks, months, and even years to recover from. 

Solar Plexus training helps you to be authentic, embodied, and present in your body and how to properly regulate the higher and lower chakras of your energy field.


Solar Plexus Conditioning is training your abdomen and inner-core by activating your Udiyanna-Bandha throughout a power yoga asana practice. This is a great way to bring awareness to this subtle energy center.

Udiyanna Bandha Helps to:

  • Even out breathing and evenly distribute oxygen and prana to all parts of the body

  • Relieve back pain caused by a weak core

  • Fortify your core

  • Build confidence and improve posture

  • May greatly reduce injury during a workout

  • Regulate digestive fire

A Weak Core can Mean:

  • Lack of presence in the body and physical realm

  • A Solar Plexus that is weak or too open

  • Digestive issues and lack of awareness of internal rhythms


Reconnecting with the body is crucial for empowerment, enabling individuals to attune to the subtle cues and messages of their bodies. This shift from chronic overwhelm to grounded embodiment allows for a more balanced and present engagement with life.

Assert Energetic Boundaries

If you are someone who lacks boundaries, you may tend to enmesh and merge with other people and their energy willingly and unwillingly.
Often people think that boundaries begin and end in the brain, but if your body is not on board with your new boundaries; your energy, body language, and even your tone of voice can come off as incoherent.
This disconnect makes it challenging to advocate for oneself or assert personal authority and boundaries effectively.

experience full body-mind-spirit coherence

Coherence is a type of empowerment where your body, mind, and spirit are working together on one accord. We often experience disempowerment when there is a lack of alignment between the energy and intentions of the coherence of our bodies.
The training in this course helps you to gain full body awareness to be able to pinpoint your subtle energy flow.

The subtle body is also known as your energy field. Your energy field consists of chakras, koshas, and different subtle layers like the astral and causal body. Awareness of the subtle body and energies allows for a wealth of resources for you to better know yourself in order to enjoy life and impact your reality. Take ownership of the fitness of your physical and energetic body be your own authority!

in this power yoga course you will learn:

  • About how activating your core with practice of “Udiyyana Bandha” can help you strengthen your awareness of your Solar Plexus

  • How to use your asana practice to track energy and become aware of your chakras and subtle bodies

  • How to create grounding and separation practices to establish and sustain your energy and energetic boundaries

  • How to remain authentic, present, and embodied even as a Highly Sensitive or Empath

  • How to use your asana practice for better self regulation and wholeness

  • Experience vitality and self-discovery

EMPOWER Yourself with power yoga

EMPOWER FLOW by Tianacat

Exploring the Depths of Power by the Squarespace AI Model

Power: a term often laden with weight, yet its definition eludes our grasp like shifting sands. In our society, power reigns supreme, coveted as the ultimate pursuit. But what truly defines power? Is it the ability to control others or the capacity to shape our own destinies? As we delve deeper, we realize that power encompasses far more than meets the eye.
Power, at its core, is the undeniable force that propels us forward, enabling us to manifest our desires and create change. It is not an external entity to be conquered, but an innate energy residing within each and every one of us. To take ownership of our power requires an inward journey, the profound understanding that no one can wield power over us unless we willingly relinquish it.
To become the masters of our own power, we must first recognize its source. Our power stems from within, radiating from our authenticity, our beliefs, and our passions. It resonates from the depths of our being, waiting to be acknowledged and harnessed. It is the freedom to express ourselves, to stand up for what we believe in, and to follow our own path, regardless of societal expectations.
However, society often conditions us to seek external validation, convincing us that true power lies in wealth, fame, or authority. We become ensnared in the relentless chase, robbing ourselves of the opportunity to discover our inner strength. It is only by unplugging from this relentless cycle that we can begin to understand our personal power and reclaim it as our birthright.
Taking ownership of our power necessitates an unwavering commitment to self-discovery. Through introspection, we unravel the layers that mask our true essence. We confront our fears and insecurities head-on, acknowledging that they hold no real power over us unless we allow them to. It is a process of uncovering our unique gifts, talents, and passions, and embracing them wholeheartedly.
Yet power, when used with integrity, extends beyond the individual. It becomes a vehicle for uplifting others, for inspiring change in our communities, and promoting justice on a grand scale. When power is wielded from a place of empathy and compassion, it becomes a catalyst for positive transformation, a beacon of hope in a world often marred by darkness.
So, my fellow seekers of power, remember that your power is not defined by others, nor should it be measured against societal benchmarks. It lies within you, waiting to be ignited. Embrace your authenticity, forge your own unique path, and fearlessly embrace the possibilities that unfold. Own your power, but never forget that true power is found in harmony, unity, and the collective journey towards a better world.