Doulaship & Motherhood

I want to become a doula to uphold the sacredness and the sisterhood of the divine feminine. Motherhood is such an outstanding transition and for another woman, a WOMBan to be there holding space for you before, during, and after birth is cherished and special. 

Motherhood so far has taught me that this world complicates things. Pregnancy has given me a chance to slow down and really take inventory of what is happening inside of me and around me. It has taught me to be flexible with life and what I can’t control. 

The last thing a mother needs at such a tender time is for things to be complicated. She needs to be reminded of her divinity and supported. 

Through pregnancy, I have learned the true meaning of my divinity and why my body was created like this. I have learned why it’s important to be with a man who leads and provides. I have learned to ask for help. I have learned to say no. I have learned to honor my body’s natural rhythms and cycles. 

A mother will struggle most if she is resistant to her feminine instincts before during and after pregnancy. This is not a time to be a “strong, independent” woman. There is nothing to prove. She is not meant to do it alone. 

Collectively we are remembering the sacredness of our sexuality, rhythms, and cycles. We are remembering the magic, the medicine, and the community. It is now being awakened through us as women as we support each other through sisterhood and support. I’m honored to be called to this work. I have a few weeks left before my final initiation into motherhood as I’ll be giving birth very soon. I’m nervous but excited to meet who I will be on the other side. Asé! 


Yoga for the WINTER COLD


pleasure as ritual