pleasure as ritual


I love the vibration that flowers bring. Buying yourself flowers is an act of self-care that is not a luxury but a necessity. I recently bought myself a pot of tulips and hyacinths and my man bought the carnations for me. I had him pick the pink carnations because for me, they represent the tenderness of a mother’s unconditional love.

Every flower along with it’s carry a different message and vibration. Along with researching flower meanings, I like to tune into the vibration that the flower speaks. The energy of flowers are so pure, and a room full of flowers can be so talkative.


I took some photos of myself for Valentine’s Day to celebrate the beauty of my pregnant body. Society mindlessly likes to take the sexy out of pregnancy, but sex is how you got pregnant to begin with! My motto this whole pregnancy has been “what’s gets baby in is what will help get baby out!” so get it in!

Experiencing some sort of pleasure every day as a ritual is a necessity for me as well. I’m very sensual, meaning I like to use and appeal to all 5 senses. Lighting incense and candles in my home. Drinking tea. Finding the perfect fragrances for my body, adorning my body with jewelry and accessories. Lingerie. Being intimate with my lover. Touching him. Touching me. Buying new clothes and going shopping. Getting my nails done. Getting my hair done has been one of my absolute favorite beauty rituals lately. It changes my whole frequency. One of the main reasons for cutting my locs was to be able to style my hair for each mood I’m feeling or channeling.

Embracing pleasure gives you immediate access into raising your vibration, attraction, and manifesting and creating the life you want. Experience pleasure without guilt or shame. Require deeper intimacy from your lovers and relationships. Spend time with yourself daily in ritual before giving yourself to anyone or anything else. Know yourself and be confident in what you like.

In astrology, pleasure belongs to Venus. Your Venus placement and it’s aspects will tell you your love language and how you attract and seduce to you the things that you want and desire. Venus in Earth is sensual. Venus in Water is transcendental. Venus in Fire is passionate. Venus in Air is flirtatious.
Sexuality belongs to Mars. Comfort, habits and the subconscious belong to the Moon placement in your chart.

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Doulaship & Motherhood


Preparing for Labor, Birth, & Motherhood w/ Flower Essences