Preparing for Labor, Birth, & Motherhood w/ Flower Essences

Flower essences are a healing modality that work on the emotional body. The thing about flower essences is that the effect is really subtle. I would describe it like how crystals work. Not only will you subtly feel different but you will attract experiences that bring about the change you are needing. So I advise, use with caution! If you’re new to flower essences, check out this article from AlloTribe about how flower essences work and what they are!

Maryam Hasnaa put me on to flower essences and I get all of mine from her site! Below are the essences that I purchased and what I am using them for!

  1. Elm - I use Elm to prepare me for the increased responsibility that comes with being a mother. I have a tendency to scatter my attention to my responsibilities.

  2. White Chestnut - helps to keep a calm mind and get rid of pointless internal chatter. I’m currently using this right now as I’m nervous about giving birth, and I’m probably gonna up the usage the days I go into labor!

  3. Walnut - I got Walnut to help me accept this transition into motherhood and to trust in my ability to do so and block out being overly influenced by what other people tell me about being a mother, especially family!

  4. Cerato - for trusting and having confidence in my intuition, my inner knowing, instead of over-relying on advice from others! This is especially so I won’t allow anyone to boss me around about my birth plan and how I’m going to have my baby. Cerato will help me get clear on what I want and how I feel.

  5. Arnica - for staying in my body when things start to get most uncomfortable. Arnica is great for staying in your body during emergency situations and trauma which I believe is especially great for going into labor, when most women have a tendency to want to leave their body! This is definitely gonna come through for me when shit hits the fan!

  6. Mimulus - to embrace the challenges that motherhood can bring, instead of feeling apprehension or feeling defeated!


pleasure as ritual


From Maiden to Mother