Hands of Love - October Yoga Playlist

One of the main things I love about teaching in person classes is being able to use music as my co-teacher. Each month I teach a new theme, new sequence, and accompany each class with a new playlist!

“Hands of Love” is definitely one of my favorite playlists. As we begin class in integration of the body and breath, the playlist opens up with a calming and refreshing sounds of a beautiful sonic landscape with “Hands of Love” by Sambodhi Prem. The song is followed by a seamless transition to “Don’t Give Up” by Washed Out, which I’m pretty sure uses samples from “Hands of Love” because they sound so similar. As the energy builds in class, the third song comes on: “Soul Meets Body” by Death Cab for Cutie, coming in with an infectious and nostalgic melody that really helps you to drop into the body, especially as we repetitively flow through Sun A.

My other favorite moments with this playlist is when we make it to “THE zone~” and “WE SAW THE SUN” by Lil Yachty. I keep these songs in order that they appear on his album, “Let’s Start Here.”, because of the seamless transition between them, together sound like a 10 minute song. At this point in class, we are in the balancing series, letting our creativity run in poses like tree pose vrksasana, dancer pose natarajasana, and standing figure 4. The psychedelic sounds of these songs inspire inner exploration, bodily meditation, and pure bliss as we balance on one foot!

As we cool down and class comes to an end, we are serenaded by Erykah Badu’s legendary “Window Seat” and put under the spell of “Lily’s Call” by Little Dragon. When we make it to our savasana, we drop into the heart as we close out with some Heart Chakra Anahata frequencies that feel enlightening and inspiring.


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