i’m having a baby!


This is a secret I’ve been holding in for what feels like forever that I’m so ready and excited to share. I’m currently 20 weeks pregnant writing this. I figured a pregnancy announcement would be a great way to start this blog!

I’m beyond excited for this journey. I’ve always wanted to be a mother and now I finally feel ready. Everyone has been saying 2020 is the new Baby Boom due to the pandemic and I’m definitely glad to be a part of this blessing. I feel like so many celebrities have gotten pregnant or have had babies this year, including many of my favs which is giving me such confidence and guidance at this time. My IG timeline is filled with expectant mothers which provides a lot of insight for me as a first time mom.

I have so much content to share leading up to this moment as well as millions of things to share about my pregnancy like the symptoms I’ve been experiencing, how my body and mind are changing, how my family feels about my pregnancy, and the future plans I have. Stay tuned…


i3: we’re having a Boy!