i3: we’re having a Boy!


We’re having a boy and we’re naming him i3! If that sounds like a computer program that’s exactly what we were going for, like Elon and Grimes.
I can’t wait to meet my Aries boy, that is if he decides to come at that time. If you know me I’ve already done his birth chart based off of his due dates but I know mother nature’s timing may be very different. The charts I have read though look pretty accurate to how I feel his personality will be based off his parents lol.

I’ll be 21 weeks this week and we did the anatomy scan last week but we had is gender confirmed weeks ago with genetic testing. I don’t know why this isn’t talked about more often or why most people decline to know the gender when they get their blood drawn for genetic testing. I personally wanted to know his gender right away so I wouldn’t misgender him in my mind as I rub my belly or imagine my child’s future. Which is funny because many parents are choosing not to misgender their child according to their genitals like Emily Ratajkowski for example.


Ace and I were in awe that we got what we wanted. Intuitively I could feel that I was carrying a boy, even though all of pregnancy symptoms suggested I was having a girl. I wonder if I’ll be able to feel it the next time I get pregnant! I definitely want a girl next!

Why am I excited to raise a boy? Though I’m not entirely governed by traditional gender roles, I’m eager to share and embrace the healthy masculine traits within my son that will make him an excellent provider and protector. I want to influence him in the best way. And I love his dad so much I honestly just wanted to make a copy of him lol.

I still can’t believe that I’m bringing another life into this world and that he’s gonna depend on me to love and nourish him. Forever! To know that we had an agreement to meet in this lifetime feels so special. This boy has chosen ME to be his mother! I know he’s going to teach me so much.

It’s a surreal feeling to know I’m creating my own family. I feel grown in a sense like, I’m really gonna start having to make adult decisions from here on out! And there’s no turning back. But I’m soooo ready because this is exactly what I wanted.


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i’m having a baby!