My favorite crystals and how i use them


I’m an Earth sign so I feel like I’m naturally drawn to crystals. I started using them around 2014 or 2015. The first crystals I ever used was a titanium quartz necklace,completely unaware of what I was buying, but immediately feeling a high frequency emitting from the crystal that gave me lots of energy! After I googled how crystals affect the body, I found my next set of crystals at Urban Outfitters. They came in a tumbled set of clear quartz, blue quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz. Not even a day after purchasing those crystals I experienced a catalyzing life event.

Sometimes I use crystals sometimes I don’t, it really depends on how I feel. I mostly like to wear them as jewelry or carry them as touchstones. I used to be the one to carry a shit ton of crystals in my purse. But now I don’t really find that necessary, I think it’s better to focus on one energy at a time.
So these last six years I’ve learned a lot about crystals. I’ve learned which ones I resonate with and which I do not. For example, I don’t use selenite, a high frequency stone, because my frequency is already high. When I interact with selenite it feels like I’m speeding or I’m on coffee. I need crystals that are much more grounding. For others selenite is a must have. I’ve learned when to use crystals and when to leave them at home, how to cleanse them, etc. It’s definitely something that takes practice and I suggest using one crystal at a time to really learn how they work. Crystals are live beings just like plants so when they interact with your energy field all kinds of things can happen, often subtle, but I’ve even experienced intense events and transformation upon using or even touching certain crystals.


Here is a list of crystals that I keep in my collection that I currently resonate with!

  1. Amethyst. One of the first stones I’ve ever worked with. I remember taking it home and how it catalyzed powerful, significant change in my life. Amethyst is a highly spiritual stone, hence it’s mystical purple color. It’s a great crystal for spiritual protection and enlightenment that allows you to see things for what they are, rather than how you want them to be. This crystal can be very intense and high vibrational at times, so I don’t use it all of time, but it has recently shown back up in my roster for specific healing.
    I use amethyst during prayer and devotion to listen to God’s voice a lot more clearly. Amethyst is a purifying stone. It helps with addictions and bad habits, helping you understand the cause of your addictions. It’s a great crystal to have with communicating with spirits or pulling cards, or anything that involves going to other realms. It acts a great protector reading energy, allowing you to separate your energy from everyone else’s. This must be why priests wear Amethyst.

  2. Black Tourmaline. I love me some black tourmaline. This stone stabilizes electricity and removes toxins and electromagnetic pollution. My absolute favorite use is to cleanse my electronics, especially my phone. I place a piece of black tourmaline on my phone while I sleep at night, and when I wake up and return to my phone in the morning, it no longer feels like this black hole that sucks my energy and life away. Our phones can collect a lot negative every. Black tourmaline literally cleans it up. Black tourmaline also works to clear negative energy in our environment, whether that’s at home or in the workplace. It works fast too, so don’t use black tourmaline unless you’re completely ready to rid yourself of a toxic situation. The negative energy in your environment will literally be eradicated, even if it’s you!
    Although it sounds like a harsh stone, it really has soft, loving vibes to it. I would compare the energy of black tourmaline to the Hindu mother goddess Kali Ma. It really cuts through the bullshit.

  3. Pyrite. Pyrite is a money and talent stone for me. If you’re having trouble identifying what your immediate resources are, pyrite is good crystal to help remind you that you’re the shit. It’s gold and sparkly (fool’s gold) so it’s appearance immediately brings out feelings of wealth and abundance. Pyrite gives off a very Leonine energy for me. Very flashy and confident, it’s a Solar Plexus stone that can really be the best hype man for you. It carries masculine energy to help you complete the physical act of your creative endeavors. It works great for creative blocks. The masculine energy of this stone can also help with sexuality. I typically a slight arousal with carrying pyrite. It helps bring harmony within yourself, stimulating a healthy balance of action and receiving.

  4. Orange Calcite. This crystal actually inspired me to write this post! Orange calcite is a juicy juicy stone of creative abundance. This crystal acts just like how it looks! It looks like a slice of a juicy orange or fruit and feels like a shot of vitamin C. Just like how beta carotene is good for the eyes, orange calcite works the same way, helping you to see new pathways on creative endeavors that need a new direction or refreshment. When I use this stone I get so many new ideas and a burst of energy to keep going on projects that have been stagnant. Orange calcite is great at removing creative blockages. It’s the ultimate sacral chakra stone for me, which stimulates my creative and sexual centers. I recently bought an additional orange calcite stone the other day and was immediately inspired with more ideas for my business. I even subconsciously bought a bag of flaming hot cheetos that day after I bought it because orange calcite stimulates the fire systems in the body! The Book of Stones says this a great crystal to heal and transmute sexual shame and trauma.

  5. Moonstone. This is the newest stone to my collection. I bought this stone when I was trying to get pregnant and learn about my cycle. Moonstone carries goddess energy, specifically like The High Priestess in tarot. It’s a great “mystery” stone. When I first used this stone at the beginning of my crystal journey, it didn’t really resonate at the time. I think that was because I didn’t really understand and embody feminine energy the way I do now. After going through what I felt like was the dark night of the soul, and after a couple of break ups, I feel like this crystal has returned to me with greater power and resonance. When you understand that feminine energy is going into unknown is when Moonstone is great to work with.
    Moonstone helps to understand how cycles and timing work in life. It helps you to pay attention and appreciate life’s natural rhythms. Moonstone is great for understanding your own personal rhythms, which helps with patience. It is a great stone to use alongside ritual to help you establish pattern and ebb and flow. It helps you to revel in the adventure of mystery rather than be frustrated by the unknown. Mystery becomes fun with Moonstone.


2nd Trimester Update


i3: we’re having a Boy!