Stop neglecting your Lower Chakras & Why I Don’t Say “OM”

2020 has brought in a global shift that has started wayyyy before the Great Saturn-Jupiter conjunction we experienced on December 21, 2020. It is obvious that there is now a great divide in consciousness. Don’t be fooled by what appears to be “woke”. The message that I’ve been getting about this shift that we’ve been experiencing is about grounding down and getting into the body. It’s important not to neglect your lower chakras in order to feel safe, protected, grounded, and in control. I’m not big on predictions but I am big on awareness. As 2021 rolls in there is gonna even more spiritual deception without the proper discernment. The upper chakras (crown, third eye, throat, and heart) are seductive targets for infiltration as more information is being spread about ascension, transcendence, psychic ability. Really the hack is to start from the body, and work from the bottom up.


From Maiden to Mother


2nd Trimester Update