I just completed my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training and I am officially certified!
Through out my 12 week journey, I gave myself several tarot readings and the card that showed up with the most weight for me was The Chariot.

The Chariot is a war vehicle, as depicted from the card. Our bodies are vehicles and technology that yoga helps to tune and align. Yoga is the physical practice that binds body, mind, and soul to help us control the reigns of our senses (as depicted in the Bhagavhad-Gita) and our internal opposing forces (the black and white sphinx on the Rider Waite decks). I used this philosophy and wisdom to drive myself to my goals. Yoga is my practice that keeps my heart as light as feather as I navigate through life and this spiritual warfare.

My style of teaching is power vinyasa based, with my certificate coming from Corepower Yoga. CPY is an athletic style power yoga studio that really made yoga make since for me back in 2017. I was seeking a yoga style that was more of a work out because as a passive person, the passive yoga styles weren’t really clicking for me. After my very first c1 class at Corepower, I was hooked. Yoga finally made sense to me because I felt it in my body during and after class.
Through Corepower I learned about Baron Baptiste, one of the influences of Corepower’s sequencing style. I’ve kept his book, “Journey into Power” on me for some years now! During my teacher training journey, I participated in an online 12 day challenge by Baptiste that brought me to dive further into this book! I was brought back to “Mistake Number 7 - Not Understanding Your Resistance”. Yoga has showed me the places I am resistance in my daily life which causes a blockages in a snowball effect! By being able to be present when met with MY OWN resistance! Baron calls it “THE RESISTANCE” because it will always be there! And knowing that it will always be there, but I have the ability to choose what I want to do it is where my POWER comes from!

For me, power yoga is more than an athletic style option of yoga or a fancy way to say “cardio workout”. When I come to the mat in my practice, I seek to build the tapas (heat and discipline), to tap into the inner power in my daily life. On my mat is the lab where transformation happens on a cellular level! I am so empowered by my practice. I am grateful for this opportunity and all of my spiritual tools to navigate this human experience.


Open your hips & Find Freedom


let it go